Screen information
If page management is not enabled (each file is one document) but you work with different document types, you will see three panels.
The first panel shows the upload with one or more documents you need to handle and the metadata of the currently selected document.
Metadata document
The 'metadata' section shows all the properties of the document:
- Status of the document
- Document type
- Language
- Number of pages
- Name of the document
- ID of the document (with handy copy button)
- The date of the upload
Possible actions:
- Copy the URL - Allows you to send an URL to colleagues or support when in need of help
- Edit settings - You can change the information of the document. If the language or document type is changed, the upload will be reprocessed and redo the step 'entity extraction'.
- Download PDF - Download the document in an easy PDF format
- a panel where you can change the document type and the language
- a panel with the preview of the document
All documents resulting from the previous step 'page management and document classification' are listed. By default, the first document is selected (see blue background color). You can see the following information:
- Status of the document
- Type of document
- The consecutive number of the document in the upload
Possible actions:
- Click on row - Opens the document
- Page management - If you notice when processing documents that pages are wrong for a document, you can click on this to treat the incorrect pages again. Afterwards, these modified documents will go through the entity extraction model again and will be queued for entity extraction control again
- Reject upload - This will reject the whole upload and mark all documents as failed
You can hide the first panel by click "Full view" and selecting "Partial" from the list that opens.
In the second panel, you need to specify the correct document type and language. Once these are set, you can finalise the document.
In the third panel, you can see a preview of the document.
Finishing evaluation
At the top you have a number of actions to end your evaluation:
- Back - You can use this button to put the document back in the queue if, for example, you are not sure how to handle this document.
- Save the document(s) | Done - You will use this button when you have finished document creation. The document will then be sent to the next step 'entity extraction' to extract information from it.
- Reject - This button is used if there is a problem with the document. Besides some standard errors like 'bad OCR' or 'irrelevant document' you can define your errors in the project settings, see Custom errors.
- Upload done - This option will allow you to mark the complete batch as done if available.