The Project General Settings screen allows you to configure the basic settings for your project, as well as the settings related to uploading and processing of documents.
General settings
Project Name
The "General settings" section displays the current name of your project. You can modify the name of your project by clicking on the text field, entering a new name and clicking the save button.
General pipeline settings
Upload Settings
The Upload Settings section allows you to specify how the status of uploaded documents should be determined. The options are the following:
When at least one document in an upload has the processed status, the upload status will be set as processed -
When at least one document in an upload has the failed status, the upload status will be set as failed
Document reprocessing
Allow users to reprocess previously processed documents. This option was already possible through the API call: Move finished upload back to human validation. If you want to allow your users to reprocess documents through the UI, you can enable this feature.
If you enable this feature, please ensure that the appropriate measures are in place so that data from Duco Adaptive IDP can be accurately processed for the same upload, even if it has already been processed once before.
Anonymous validation
Allow anonymous access by generating direct authenticated URLs to uploads using tokens with a limited lifetime. Users can access a single upload through this URL for 2 days. No specific users need to be configured for this, this means however that all history actions will be logged as an anonymous user.
If you enable this option, you can make use of the API call to generate URLs to access specific uploads. Check out the API documentation:
This means that the authorization responsibility lies with the one doing the implementation of the API call.
Project actions
Copy project
Creates a duplicate of your current project with all the settings and configurations except for the input and output settings.
Enrichments will be copied but will be disabled by default in the new project.
Synchronize project
Synchronize the project settings of your current project with another project. All settings and configurations except for the input and output settings will be overwritten in the target project.
Enrichments will be disabled by default in the target project.
When clicking on the sync button, you get an overview of what project settings you want to overwrite on the target project.
When you click on next, you will get a summary of what project settings will be synchronized from the source project to the target project
Delete Project
The "Delete project" section allows you to permanently delete your project. This action is irreversible, and all data associated with the project will be lost. If you are sure that you want to delete your project, click the "Delete" button. A confirmation popup is shown to confirm your delete action.