A dashboard is the first screen that a user sees after logging into Duco. It gives an overview of the latest run results, statistics, cases assigned to users, labels, etc.
This page describes how to use an existing dashboard and how to set up a custom dashboard.
Duco enables the creation of custom dashboards. It's possible, for example, to create a "Management" dashboard that gives a high level view of all the matching processes within an organisation or a "London" dashboard, for example, that gives a view of the processes handled by a team based in London.
Only a user with the appropriate "Dashboard Administrator" permission can create and change dashboards. We expect that this user will generally be the Duco administrator within an organisation. For example, the same person that is also responsible for the creation of users, user groups. etc.
Once a dashboard is created, it will be available to all users. A user can just click on the Dashboards menu on the top-left of the screen and pick one of the available dashboards.
More specifically it is possible to:
- Add "gadgets" to a dashboard to show on the screen the information of most interest. A gadget appears on the dashboard as a box containing some kind of information. For examples, latest process runs, statistics, etc.
- Configure individual gadgets. Many gadgets can be configured further. For example in the gadget for "Historical submission volumes" you can choose how many days to show. E.g. last 30 days.
- Define process groups. Most users don't want to see information about every single matching process. You can define a process groups so that you can view data only about the relevant processes. For example, you can create a Group for FX-related processes, or one for processes managed by a team based in London, etc.
Switch to an existing dashboard
To switch to an existing dashboard
- Click on Dashboards and chose one of the listed dashboards
- Alternatively, chose All dashboards
This will take you to a screen that lists all the dashboards.
- ... and chose one of the dashboards listed
From any screen, you can click on Dashboard at the top of the screen next to the Duco logo to go back to the dashboard used more recently.
Create a dashboard
To create a new dashboard
- Click on Dashboards → All dashboards on the top left of the screen
- Click on Create Dashboard
Add a gadget
The following screen shots show how to add a gadget that shows historical submission volumes.
- Click on Tools → Add gadget
- Select Historical submission volumes from the list of gadgets on the left
- Click on Add gadget
Configure a gadget
Some gadgets can be configured further. In this case you can change the gadget name, enter the number of days to consider the historical view, and chose if all runs on only the last run of each day should be considered.
Set up process groups
The "Historical submission volumes" gadget, like several gadgets, shows information relative to several processes. To chose these processes you'll need to define process groups.
To create a process group, from within a gadget:
- Click on the Process groups tab
- Click on Add group
- Enter a name for the group
- Enter the processes for the group
- Click Close settings
The result will look something like this:
You can always change the configuration of a gadget from the Gadget → Settings menu.
Give a user permission to edit dashboards
To be able to edit a dashboard, a user needs to have the right permissions. i.e. The user must be associated with the "Dashboard administrator" role.
To give a user the "Dashboard administrator" role, a Duco administrator needs to:
- Associate the "Dashboard administrator" role with a Group
- Add the user to the Group
The page User roles gives more details around managing users and permissions.