A process with exceptions workflow enabled will show the run results displayed somewhat differently to the standard view. As well as the standard buckets showing the match status of the items, additional coloured buckets are present, identifying the workflow status of your items. The three buckets are: Unreviewed, Under review and Pending (with an additional Closed bucket that can feature in the lifecycle where Auto-Close has been enabled in the process configuration, and/or users with either the Exceptions Closer or Exceptions Force Closer global roles are present).
Any items found to be either partially matched or unmatched are regarded as exceptions that will require attention, and as such will show in the Unreviewed bucket on the left of the screen.
The full match results, including successfully matched items from the run, can be found beneath the workflow buckets.
Clicking on the Unreviewed bucket will take you to the individual results. Here you can select multiple items, and then from the Workflow menu on the right side of the screen select actions to perform.
Alternatively, you can select an individual item and then choose your Actions.
The first step in the review workflow is to assign an Unreviewed item. You can do this by selecting Assign to user. An item can only be assigned to one individual, who then assumes responsibility for the exception. You can see who an item has been assigned to in the Workflow details box, although this should not be taken as acknowledgement that the exception has been looked at.
It is also possible to bulk assign exceptions from the Workflow menu on the run results screen.
Note! The bulk action can only be used if you have exception workflow enabled.
The next step is to select Start review. Once you start a review the status of the item will transition to “Under review”.
This will also push the item into the Under review bucket.
If an item under review needs to be reverted back to an Unreviewed status then you can simply select Stop review from the Workflow menu.
Alternatively, items may be progressed to the next stage in the workflow by being marked as Pending. This can be done by clicking on the Workflow button and then selecting Mark as pending.
This will push the item into the Pending bucket.
Again, it is possible to take a backwards step from this status, this time by selecting Review further.