Getting Started
- 🚦 Getting started - Quickstart guides - Setup your project for groups
- 🚦 Getting started - Train your models
- 🚦 Getting started - Process documents - Annotation of training data - Entity extraction - Table annotation
- 🚦 Getting started - Process documents - Annotation of training data - Entity extraction
- 🚦 Getting started - Process documents - Annotation of training data - Document classification
- 🚦 Getting started - Process documents - Annotation of training data - Page management
- 🚦 Getting started - Process documents - Annotation of training data
- 🚦 Getting started - Process documents - Document overview
- 🚦 Getting started - Process documents - Uploads overview
- 🚦 Getting started - Process documents - Uploading data
- 🚦 Getting started - Process documents
- 🚦 Getting Started - Setting up a project - Configure entities
- 🚦 Getting Started - Setting up a project - Configure a document type
- 🚦 Getting Started - Setting up a project - Create a new project
- 🚦 Getting Started - Setting up a project