In some cases such as an error is detected on the statement, account is out of proof or a break is due to missing transaction in a statement, you may want to submit a correct version of the statement. Before you do so, you can first delete the erroneous statement by clicking on that statement ID to go to the Statement view, and click on Delete statement. Duco will prompt you to enter "DELETE" in the box as confirmation.
The statement will then be marked as deleted, all its transactions will break apart from matches and hidden from the transaction view, all other statements for that account will be reordered, and balance proofing re-calculated.
Delete Multiple Statements
Delete all Statement for a Submission
Similar to the above, sometimes an entire submission is corrupt or loaded in error. Users can trigger that all statements associated with a particular submission are deleted in a single action.
Status for deleted submission
When all the statements from a submission get deleted, the submission will have a status of deleted on the submissions page. This will be displayed in a similar way to a deleted statement on the statements page.
In order to delete a statement, you will need to have the process level permission "config admin" on your account.
- When you delete statements in the UI via deleting individual statements, or deleting entire submissions, they have been "soft-deleted".
- The statement will then be marked as deleted, all of its transactions will break apart from matches and hidden from the transaction view. All other statements for that account will be reordered, and balance proofing will be re-calculated.
- When you import accounts with the overwrite option, statements are "hard-deleted" i.e. removed from the database entirely.
- This is an important difference as if you delete statements via the UI, and then overwrite the accounts this will trigger 2 full deletion cycles, which can be time consuming
- Overwriting the accounts will ensure that any write off, roll ups, and manually created transactions are also removed. Deleting statements or submissions will not achieve this.