Duco enables you to view all results online, but some users still prefer to download the results as an Excel spreadsheet.
Generating and downloading a report is easy.
- Go to a run result screen for the process and the run in which you are interested
- Click on Download at the top of the page
- Choose export "All trades", "Breaks only" or "Current View"
Export breaks only
Often users export run results to spreadsheets for further analysis and processing. If you only want to analyse unmatched or partially matched data, you have to spend time filtering the data within the spreadsheets. In addition, when you have a lot of data in your process run, exporting the full data set can take a long time. Choosing to export breaks only, which will only export unmatched and partially matched data to the spreadsheet, therefore reducing the time it takes to export and also saves your time from manually filtering afterwards.
Note. The same option is available in our API by using the breaks_only parameter. See our API documents for more detail.
- And then on Download spreadsheet
Duco will produce an Excel spreadsheet. The Excel file is packaged in a zip file to make downloading quicker.
During exception investigation, internal or external communications, you often want to export a subset of the result data to Excel in a particular format. You can do that directly from the result screen.
By using the option to download “Current view as Excel”, Duco will generate an Excel file that contains only the data according to your filters (including their roll-up constituents, where applicable), and using the current column ordering and hiding settings.
You can do this also via a new REST API Post endpoint, bypassing the filtering criteria and column settings in json. Refer to our API documentation for details.
Note! The button to download Process configuration in PDF has been repositioned to under the Download menu.
The Excel file contains all the results in one tab.
The first 5 columns contain:
- ID: This is an identifier that Duco generates for each match result.
- Status: i.e. Match, Partial Match, Unmatched.
- Score: The match score for a result.
- Input: Indicates to which data input the row corresponds.
- Labels: Displays and labels that have been applied to a line item.
The remaining columns show the data that is being matched. Results with breaks will have columns highlighted in red. Results with breaks that have been matched owing to the application of a rule will be highlighted in green.
Note that the spreadsheet does not include:
- Items excluded with filter rules. Some users upload a large amount of items and filter out most of them. Including excluded items could result in excessively large files, in some cases.
- Errors. If an input file contains badly formed data, Duco can not put it in the Excel spreadsheet, because it could not process it in the first place.
One Excel worksheet can contain up to one million rows. If the match results contain more than one million items, Duco will produce multiple Excel files in the same zip.