This powerful dashboard allows you to visualise all the reconciliations on your instance, alongside information on:
- What the codes of these reconciliations' are
- What their average run times are*
- What their average chargeable volumes are**
- What the historical run times are, compared with chargeable volumes***
- What times/periods you are using the system most (Runtime Heatmap)***
* Average run times can be configured to take a set number of last runs into account (i.e. average run time for a reconciliation may look different over the last 3 vs 30 runs). Please see Step 4 of section below for more information on how this can be configured.
** Average chargeable volumes can be configured to take a set number of last runs into account (i.e. the average chargeable volume of a reconciliation may look different if it only takes the latest 3 vs the last 30 runs). Please see Step 4 of the section below for more information on how this can be configured.
*** Historical run times compared with chargeable volumes - This view allows you to check if your processes are running longer because you are submitting more volume. The time range can be made configurable.
**** The Runtime Heatmap allows you visualise when you are usually running your reconciliations and how long they take. This metric looks at aggregated run time over a relevant time window (i.e. if you are running 2 processes each taking 5 minutes to complete, the heatmap will display 10). This graph also allows you to identify periods of high processing load. The time range can be made configurable.
The dashboard also offers high-level controls so you can filter your results further. You can choose to see all your processes or individual reconciliations, you can group your recs by groups (please see Step 2 of the section below) and you can choose to only see results belonging to parent processes or staging copies - or both!
Here is what the dashboard looks like:
- First of all, you need an additional module called Data Platform. If you are unsure whether this feature is enabled on your instance, please contact your manager or your Customer Success Manager.
- If Data Platform is enabled on your instance, you will need a BI tool such as Tableau, PowerBI, Qlik, etc. as well as an understanding of how these tools work (or a dedicated resource within the company who typically does BI reporting).
- Connect your BI tool to Data Platform by following the steps outlined here.
- Download the Tableau workbook attached at the bottom of this article.
- Follow the steps outlined in here in order to connect to the data source.
- Enjoy your new data platform dashboard in Tableau!
Below we have listed the steps we have taken to build the dashboard. You could use these instructions to build the dashboard from scratch, if required. Please note these instructions have been modeled on Tableau, although other BI tools may follow a similar setup.
Building your own dashboard
Step 1 - Table Joins
- Runs connected to Processes on process_id field
- Processes connected to Users on user_id (users) = last_run_user_id (processes) – left join
Step 2 - Process Group
When looking at the dashboard you might have noticed a ‘Process Group’ filter on top. Process group is something that doesn’t exist in Duco however you can easily combine multiple processes into unique groups in Tableau to navigate throughout your processes more efficiently, e.g. trade reconciliations vs positions reconciliations. To set up a group, you will need to:
- Use the data_label field from the processes table (which is the data label applied during the creation of the processes, e.g. trades, positions, etc.)
- Create groups manually in Tableau using underlying data, e.g. process_id field
Step 3 - Main fields (dimensions) used in the dashboard:
- Code – renamed, from field process_id (table: processes)
- Process name – renamed, from field name (table: processes)
Step 4 - Parameters used in the dashboard
Average run time in minutes – control average run time and volume calculations. Move the slider around to change how many last runs the average numbers should be calculated from. If you select 1, the run time and volume will be from the last run of each process.
Process version – select which processes should be included on the dashboard. Possible selections: Parent Only, Staging Only, Parent & Staging (or create your own!)
Information on how to configure these in Tableau can be found below:
Step 5 - Measures used in the dashboard
- Average Run Time – field calculated in Tableau, see details below
- Chargeable volume – field calculated in Tableau, see details below
Average Run Time
To calculate average run time you will also need to compute the following fields:
Chargeable volume
If you need help with any of the above, please submit a request here. Alternatively, please contact your Customer Success Manager.