Which folder do I send the files if SFTP on AWS (Amazon Web Services)? The submissions folder is created automatically. Any files submitted to SFTP, into any directory, will be submitted to Duco - there is no need to submit to the submissions folder.
What if I have to submit files for different processes?
Files still need to be submitted to the same folder. Duco has in-built intelligence to associate the submitted files with the correct process, based on settings made in the Submissions menu.
How often are the files picked up? Duco has an automated process which is looking for files in the submissions folders and if the files are not being uploaded will pick up the file in 1 minute post a successful upload completing. On AWS Submitted files are picked up immediately.
Can I have uploaded files processed in a certain order?
Duco processes the files in the order in which they are submitted. You will need to configure your SFTP server to ensure the right order is maintained.
What happens if only data from one side is available?
Your submissions window can be configured to either run with a single side of data or cause the process to fail (please see the documentation on Submissions Window)
What is your external IP address from which Duco makes connections?
Duco's SFTP service requires customers to upload the files and has the same IP address as your URL (mycompany.duco-app.com). If you are using the Duco Data Connector upload function, the IP address to allow SFTP access is again the same as the URL (mycompany.duco-app.com). Duco will need the folder from which the files needs to be pulled when raising this request.
The same as your Duco instance.
Port number?
What do I need to do in order to enable SFTP on my environment?
You will need to generate an ssh key pair (RSA) and provide Duco with the public key generated from this key pair (Never share a private key). You will also need to supply Duco with a list of IP addresses/subnets that will need to be whitelisted.
Once SFTP has been configured for my Duco environment, what are my login credentials?
Duco traditionally uses the following naming convention unless otherwise requested: mycompany-upload
The mycompany part will be the same as what is listed for the URL associated with Duco (mycompany.duco-app.com). Duco then uses the public RSA key provided to us as the authentication method on our end.