Duco provides a mechanism to define submission windows. A submission window is a time period when Duco expects at least one new data submission. This is how it works:
- When a submission window is not defined, Duco triggers a process run as soon as new data files have been uploaded for a process.
- Submission windows provide an option to have Duco either fail the run when a file comes outside a defined window, or to allow the run to proceed.
- If a submission window is defined, and a file is not uploaded within the Submission window, Duco can send a notification email to specified users.
Submission windows are useful because sometimes a matching process must run at specific points in time, e.g., every week day after a stock exchange closes and you probably want to be notified if the deadline is not met. Let's explain how to set up a submission window with a practical example: Assume that you want set up a submission window on weekdays of between 6pm and 11pm (London summer time). Note that this is a 5 hour window and that 11pm (London summer time) is 22:00 in UTC time. The following diagram shows the submission window.
Setting-up Submission windows
This is how to set-up Submissions windows:
- Click on Settings → Submission windows, this will take you to the Submission windows page.
This will display the following screen:
- Once a window is defined, you can then select whether to fail the run or run with submitted data when not all data arrives within the specified window.
- If you select the "fail the run" option and data does not arrive in time, we will add a failed run to the system and will send you a notification of this failed run.
- If you select the "run with submitted data" option and only one side of the data arrives, we will perform a run with that side of the data only.
Using carry over and auto-close, you will then be able to perform investigations on all of the remaining breaks.
This is particularly useful for activity-style trade reconciliations, where you may sometimes not receive a file if there are delays in the processing on one side.
! Note that all times need to be specified in UTC time. So you must make sure that you set the automated submission window in UTC rather than your local time zone.
! Note also that, if you upload the data earlier than the automated submission window, the run will still fail. It’s important that once you have defined the submission window, that the upload of the zip file of data occurs at least once within the set timeframe. If data is uploaded before the start or after the end of the submission window, Duco will send email notifications.
! Note, finally, that it is possible to upload multiple sets of data and conduct several runs within the submission window should you need to.
Setting up email notifications
To define which users should receive notifications, enter the relevant user groups in the People to notify box at the bottom of the Submission windows screen. Notifications must be directed to a group, it is not possible here to input individual users.
The page A quick start guide to Duco describes how to set up users and groups in Duco.
Monitoring submissions
Duco has a screen just for this purpose documented in the Monitoring submissions page.
Submission window through change management in Development environments
Submission window settings are included in the change management process, through development environments.