Match fields are configured using point and click, per a generic two-sided process. However, when configuring match fields for a cash process, certain requirements exist.
Match fields in a cash process must at a minimum include fields named Account, Amount, Currency and Value Date in all instances. Other additional fields can use any name.
The values that are processed into the Account field will be looked-up against the accounts configured in the Settings, to define which account group transactions belong to.
See our Best Practice Guide for more detail around configuring your match fields.
If the fields used to create a match field already adhere to the naming convention listed under Field name in the table, then Duco will use this. If your input file is using a different naming convention, then you will be presented with a drop-down where you must select the appropriate Field name.
When Duco extracts transaction amounts from SWIFT messages, it extracts the debit/credit mark and amount value separately. So you should use a transformation rule to set your amount to positive (if credit) or negative (if debit) accordingly.