The match score
When Duco matches data sets, it calculates a score for each candidate match. 100% is a perfect match, 0% is no match at all. Consider, for example, the following two records:
The two records have ten fields, nine of them match, one (Product) does not match. Duco therefore gives match score of 90%.
Partial match score
The partial match score is a threshold; the default is normally 50%. When Duco is matching two data sets, it categorises the records as follows:
- Matched, if the calculated match score is 100%
- Partially matched, if the calculated match score is above the partial match score.
- Unmatched, if the calculated match score is below the partial match score.
Adjusting the score
You can do this from the Results Control screen for a process. To access this screen:
- Click on Settings → Results Control at the top-right of the screen.
This will take you to the Results Control screen shown below
- Change the minimum score value as appropriate. You can enter a value between 0 and 100.