Duco's Help Center is where you can find a wealth of materials to help you get the most out of the product, be it learning the basics, sharpening your skills, or enrolling to become a certified user.
Help Center materials include:
- How-to articles
- FAQs
- Tutorial videos
- Sample data packs with worksheets
- Enrollment portal for Duco Academy, our webinar series
- Enrollment portal for Certification, where you can take an exam to earn a proficiency credential
- Release notes
Accessing Help Centre
Duco's Help Center, can be accessed in two ways:
- Clicking on the question mark icon in the top-right of the screen when using Duco
- Going directly to the URL (it's a good idea to favorite this in your browser)
If you select the question mark icon within the user interface, a Help widget will appear that will suggest some Help Center articles related to the setting you are working on.
You can select a suggested article, which will navigate to that page in the Help Centre, or you can search to see other related articles that may be available.
If you simply want to navigate into the Help Centre itself, without performing an article search, the click on Help Center in the bottom-right corner of the widget.
Once you are in the Help Center there are a few different ways to find the materials you need.
Navigating Help Center
The search bar allows you to search for articles using keywords.
This will return any materials related to the given topic.
To access the sitemap, click on the hamburger icon in the top-left of the screen.
This will return a menu listing all the Help Center topics, which you can then expand to access individual articles.
Search by topic
The main page of the Help Center contains sections dedicated to specific topics. Clicking on one of the windows will take you to materials centered on that theme.
For a new user, a good first port of call is the Getting Started section. Here you can choose a user profile that fits your role:
- Builder: For people who will be creating reconciliations
- Exceptions Handler: The end users of reconciliations
- System Administrator: Users who will be responsible for owing the high-level administration of the platform (ie. creating new users, regulating access to specific functionality, etc)
Click on the profile that best fits your role to access materials to get you started.
Still can’t find the answers you need? Contact Duco Support from the Help Center by clicking on the "Submit a Request" button at the top-right of the screen.
Or at the bottom of every article.