Our November release contains enhancements in governance, usability and cash reconciliation:
- Exception allocation control
- Easily see your items only
- Sorting by multiple columns to organise data more easily
- Additional control for same side netting and manual actions in cash reconciliations
Exception allocation control
We have added another layer of control for exception allocations. With this release, a new "exception allocator" role will be introduced to our global permissions.
Users with this role can allocate exceptions to any other operator groups of the process.
On the other hand, users without this role can only re-allocate exceptions that are currently allocated to one of their groups to others.
With this change we are looking to enable a controlled triage system where breaks should initially only be allocated out by a central team.
To minimise impact for you, we have automatically added the exception allocator permission to any groups which currently have operator permissions on a process. This preserves users’ existing rights.
There are a small minority of users who are operators on a process, but are not part of an operator group. Since global permissions are assigned to groups, these users will not have automatically gained the new permission and will lose the right to allocate exceptions freely.
To reinstate this right for those users, we recommend:
- creating a group called "Exception Allocators"
- adding the new Exception Allocator role to this group
- adding any users that need to be added to the new group
Easily see your items only
You can now also choose to see only the items allocated to your groups. This allows you to drill down more quickly to items that are relevant to you and your groups.
If you choose to "Show my items only" (see below), we will remember this setting for you when you return to the same process later on.
Multi-level sorting in data grids
In our run results and global accounts overview screens - where you need to work on a large amount of data - you can now sort by up to 5 columns.
Data will be sorted first by the level 1 column, then for the records that share the same value in this column, they will be sorted by the level 2 column, and so on.
Having put the basis in place, we will look to roll this out to other screens in the future and we will also look to remember your sort settings in the near future.
Same side netting control in cash reconciliation
When you select multiple items from the same side with netted sum of 0, and net them through manual match action, an intermediate grid will now appear for you to confirm before proceeding.
Role-based permission control for manual actions in cash reconciliation
To do any manual action (manual match same side items or items from both sides, split transactions), it will now require the Manual Matcher role, in addition to operator access to the process. This enables you to have more granular control on which users can contribute to investigations and who can do manual actions to resolve them.