Following the July release, you can now
- hide meta data information - such as workflow, match status, allocated to, etc. - in the run results
- automatically identify duplicate statements in cash reconciliations
- see additional information in your cash transactions view
Hide meta-data information
Sometimes our workflow columns can obscure relevant information such as your business data.
With the ability to hide these columns we will show you more relevant columns to you.
Detect duplicate statement
We automatically detect if a statement is a duplicate statement during statement load by looking at:
- opening balance
- all of the individual movements (value date and amount)
- closing balance
Items from duplicate statement will have a status of closed and will not be visible in the transactions view.
You will be able to manually mark a statement as “not a duplicate”. This makes transactions visible on the transactions view and eligible for matching.
Additional information in the cash transactions view
In the July release, we have added the following columns to the cash transactions view:
- load date of the transaction
- latest comment (the first 30 characters)
- the account label of the account belonging to the transaction
Of these columns, the load date and account label are filterable. Latest comment is not filterable.