FAQ: Process configuration
- Alpha predicts up to 120 fields
- Archival and Retention of Customer Data
- Can Duco handle dates that are in an excel serial or in Julian format?
- Can I extract a value from a file name to match on?
- Can I use a reference table with duplicate entries for look-up and replacement?
- Can I write a rule to drop the last character of a string?
- Can submission windows be set as monthly?
- Can you amend the file format for reference data upload?
- Can you use a single-sided process in a Connected Process?
- Cannot Export Process Configuration
- Do roll-ups get applied before or after the rules are applied to the data?
- How do I handle numbers with a decimal comma (aka "French" number format)?
- How do I match positive values against negative values?
- How do I recognise the date in a text field?
- How do I remove / unreport unmatched, filtered or duplicates?
- How do I set a 1 second tolerance?
- How does the Mandatory key and Optional key work together when applied to the same match field?
- How is data processed and matched when a run is triggered?
- How long does Duco store files?
- How similar do two field values need to be to be considered a match using fuzzy matching?
- I added a roll-up rule, but it seems to have no effect. Why?
- I have multiple files that I want to submit as a single submission, but I can’t zip them. How can I get around this?
- If a staging copy is first created, and afterwards new data is uploaded to the parent process, which data will the staging copy use?
- If the preliminary file and process was setup without the header, but the daily file now has a header, is there a way to ignore this header row?
- If you manually break apart a partial match in one run, do those unmatched items carry over to the subsequent run with new data?
- Is there a character limit in the results field?
- Is there a limit on how many files can be included in a zip file?
- Is there a limit on the size of the regex for opening/closing balances in cash?
- Is there a maximum number of fields that can be used in a run?
- Is there a rule to calculate an average?